Sunday, April 26, 2009
Technology and the Culture it Influences
Class week/10
Media Imperialism
It exposes and reveal the truth and secrets that was used to brainwash the smaller countries and smaller community as well in giving out the idea of terrorism. United States of America used 'Media Imperialism' theory by using the media such as the television to portray "terrorism". With this documentary, Adam Curtis revealed the truth of the "lies" that was set up by the United States in order to get people on their side.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Kudos to Mr.Radzibedu for giving such a perfect explaination to ALL OF US!
looking forward for the next class.YEAHHHHHHH :)
Tetrad of Media.
as my medium/media application to explain it's impact according to the Tetrad's Law.
Blogging enhances “many to many” communication. As a medium, blogging allows me to get my message out to many without the need of access to television or radio. Blogging also allows me to receive messages from many sources.
Blogging retrieves the habits of diarists. Though this varies widely, at the minimum blogging requires that we capture and express our thoughts via keyboard. Some bloggers go much further than that.
When pushed to an extreme, blogging reverses into total narcissism. I write only to myself, for myself. I put myself into the blogosphere, and seeing my own image, become entranced.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Obscenity,Pornography and Indecency
2.something obscene, as a picture or story. obscene word or expression, esp. when used as an invective
2.impropriety or immodesty.
3.obscenity or indelicacy. indecent act, remark, etc
PORNOGRAPHY it only refers to depictions or descriptions of sexual act, not the act itself.The definition of INDECENCY and OBSCENITY are quite similar. Both of them refer to the lewdness of behavior. However, INDECENCY only refers to the acts, gestures and expressions. In contrast, OBSCENITY refers to all the words, thoughts, books, pictures, etc. which are obscene. In addition, the word OBSCENITY is most often used in legal context.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Media Literacy .
Media literacy refers to the ability to question, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and create media messages. In essence, it is the application of critical thinking to both electronic and print media. Media literacy skills include: detecting bias, comparing and contrasting ideas, recognizing both fact and opinion, and "deconstructing" images.
It is very important for FCM student to understand and practice the elements in media literacy. Students can learn to be discerning and critical observers and responsibly involved citizens in our media-saturated culture.
Being a media literate,we can easily recognize metaphor and other uses of symbols in entertainment, advertising, and political commentary.By knowing all this, we definitely will improve our thinking skills which can lead us to produce a good media.
Media Stereotype
In addition, stereotypes are usually negative representations . They also usually represent an entire social group in a single character – such as the naive secretary, the spoilt child or the strict teacher.
(whether real or imaginary with ‘normal’ behaviour)
Can information from the internet be relied?
In the days before the web, when you needed to research a topic, you went to a library and looked through the reference section of the topic you were researching. If you were lucky enough to have a set of encyclopedias, then your task may have been a bit easier.
My advise to anyone who is researching ANY topic, looking for answers, or information is ...
research more than one or two sources on the web. If possible, also research an encyclopedia or library resource as well to verify the facts.
Be aware of the site you are reading, and the person or persons responsible for posting that information.
The bottom line is 'I DO NOT' believe everything I see and read on the Internet." I'll use my common sense.
How Does Social Media Affect your life and the lives around you?
First, we have to agree on something. Maybe some of you all can choose to disagree, and I welcome that, but my stance is this:
the web is inherently social.
Not for everyone, particularly not for older generations, but from me back to the babies it is inherently, indiscriminately, and unavoidably social.
Social media isn’t anything special, it is just the Internet in its current form. It is a period that will forever be known as a time where it became as easy to create content as it was to consume it. THAT is the important part of what is going on.
Not new media, not digital media, not post-media and certainly not social media. If all media is social, media must be inherently social and if we agree the web is inherently social then the Internet is, my friends, just a collection of media.Watching video online is no different, and soon we won’t treat it like it is.
Now with the Myspace & Facebook evolution, everyone has a crooked picture (the angles) and they are promoting a blog that they are trying to sell ads on.Well as we all know,Facebook and Myspace are a networking web we keep in touch with our peers and catch up things that we've missed.That's another way for us to interact and communicate via internet.Besides that, friends,did you ever noticed the adds that's been always displayed on every corner of those networking page?That would be a way for marketers to promote their stuffs via the net.They use both social and industrial media frameworks.Hence,I would like to conclude that social media is not only about entertainment.It's also another way to earn money through industrial media frameworks.