Monday, March 23, 2009

Media Stereotype


Another word which is maybe worth a dictionary definition:
standardised, often simplified, mental picture or attitude that is held in common by members of a group.

In addition, stereotypes are usually negative representations . They also usually represent an entire social group in a single character – such as the naive secretary, the spoilt child or the strict teacher.

The four parts of the Media Stereotype that I've seen and analyze from movies :

this can include, physical appearance and clothing as well as the sound of the voice
(remember Darth Vader from Star Wars?)

typical things that people in this group might do
(children loves watching cartoons)

The stereotype is constructed in ways that fit the medium
(a movie of a serial killer will have a different portrayal of the killer than the news)

(whether real or imaginary with ‘normal’ behaviour)

1 comment:

  1. (remember Darth Vader from Star Wars?)

    yea !! U ROCK !!!
